Sunday, September 6, 2009

Just thought I would put some family pictures on.
These were taken at Elyssa's wedding.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Can you believe it I'm updating

HELLO, well its been a long time since I wrote!! Several of you have asked for an update so here it is. I am now 32 weeks pregnant. Time is slipping by so fast it will only be 5-6 weeks before our baby girl comes into the world. We have chosen to name her Brooke Irene Frazier. We are so excited to bring her into this world.

We also had Avery all summer and it was sooooo much fun to have her in our home this summer! But it was so hard and sad to let her go back to Boise we hate having her gone! She is growing up to fast she just started the 5th grade wow shes turning into a young lady. She is so excited about the baby she cant wait.

We did several fun things this summer, swimming, going to the zoo, going to see Mike in Wyoming, horse back riding, Elyssa and Randy's wedding,ect... ect... ect...

Mike has been more than busy. He works his full time job in Wyoming but he also shoes horses every second he can it seems like. His clientele has grown and we are so blessed by that. He has such wonderful clients.

My mom and I rode in our posse group the Chaparalls. We had such a blast!! I love spending time with mom especially riding our horses. We are also going to have two new horse babies coming next spring we are so excited about that.

Well things coming up are canning canning and more canning. We have been blessed with our gardens this year and mom and all us girls are ready to can it all up it will be so fun. The boys are just excited to eat it all.

27 weeks

27 weeks

31 Weeks (sorry the computer won the argument on rotating pictures)

Mom and I riding posse

Mike up close and personal with a small herd of bucks in Wyoming.

Avery and i went to the IF zoo