Saturday, January 10, 2009

Picking Out The Perfect Tree

on the road searching for a tree

Mike, Avery, Elyssa aka Beans, and I went out on a journey to search for the perfect christmas tree. We went to eight mile in Soda Springs and had all to much fun picking out our christmas tree. It was very muddy and kinda cold but we managed to find our tree in about ten minutes then each of us took a turn cutting at the tree but Mike had to finish it off. We finally got it cut and in the back of the truck thats about the time we realize that it is very large. Yep you guessed it to large but no worries we chopped off the top and gave it to Avery so she would have a tree of her own in her room and then we cut the bottom off too and much to our surprise we had the perfect tree.

this is the one

mike started it for us .......we tried....

and tried....
and tried some more!

but mike had to finish it off

the final product.............avery's tree